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Monday, June 22, 2015

Oswald The Octopus

I admit I don't have cable so, I am missing out on weird shows like this daily. But hey, that's what the internet is for. This week we dive into the world of Oswald The Octopus. Hell, he has a wiener dog that looks like hot dog, this has to be good.

Look at me kids, slowly drying up on land.

Mr. Oswald, is going camping. You know, because Octopuses love to camp. He and his dog, Mr. Weenie gather their supplies. And you can't do that without singing! So, Oswald breaks out into a tune about the supplies he'll need and the joys of being bit by bugs and sleeping on hard rocks.

After his little ditty, he picks up a blanket and hardly tries to stuff it into his backpack before giving up. Oswald puzzled about what to do asks the dog. (And I thought I was bad talking to my cat.) Mr. Weenie barks and somehow Oswald translates this as tie it the dog.

Hot Dog abuse!

After abusing his weenie, Oswald marches out the door to Henry's. And who is Henry? Well he just happens to a penguin with a worrying problem. He sees one cloud and assumes it is going to rain. 

Or maybe he just hates camping?

Oswald calls bullshit on Henry's weather report. He insists that they are going to have fun pitching a tent and topping it off with marshmallows. This turns around Henry's shitty attitude. It turns out you can buy a penguin's attention with marshmallows.

Oswald and Mr.Weenie march out of the apartment building, waiting for Henry to pack. And holy fruit salad, a talking walking flower cartwheels across their path. 

I'll have whatever the show's creator was on.

I guess this flower is going camping too? (Isn't she afraid of being ate by deer?)

Henry emerges from his apartment over packed. He is still worried it is going to rain. Henry may be right, he has two clouds in the sky now.

The campers march to the park where they are going to make camp.

I call it a "Parade Of What The Fuck?"

It gets weirder as they enter the park. There is snow man who is not melting, a gingerbread man, and a breeding rabbit family.

Henry walks about 10 feet and calls it good. He wants to be close to the gate in case it rains. That way he can waddle home. Oswald protests that they need to camp where it is not noisy. (You're in a public park in the city!) The quartet heads further in. 

Daisy, the flower wants to camp on a hill. Of course, Henry thinks this is the perfect place to get rained on. 

Half way up the hill, Henry sees a turtle and asks him, "If he thinks it is going to rain?" A third cloud appears and the turtle sinks in his shell.

Or maybe he hiding because, he is the most normal thing I've seen so far.

Daisy and Oswald, being to pitch a tent. They invite Henry to join. You know, to make it a threesome. Henry declines the offer and unpacks his bag. 

Low and behold, a cloud moves over and drops rain. Henry is the one, who is all I told you so. He picks up his gear and one by one they blow away from him. So, they decide to use the friggin' tent as a big umbrella. They hurry home.

Okay, whatever!

While marching home, a giant car shoe splashes them with water. 

They make it to their apartment, all looking so sad because their camping trip was a disaster. Oswald suggest they do the cliche' camp in the living room thing. 

They begin to eat their mashmallows and tell ghost stories about lawnmowers but, that is vetoed out. Oswald the ass kissing octopus, then throws out campfire songs. He sings a song recapping this whole crappy story while waving his arms.

Wait until the light go off.

Meanwhile outside the their little bubble, the rain stops. Oswald questions, if they should go back to the park. No one wants to go, their all ready for some eight legged loving. Inside the tent they go.

You'll never walk the same

So, Oswald is weird. No where as bad as Happy World though. I would just like to know what you have to be on to think of an Octopus, a literal wiener dog, a flower, and penguin going camping? So in closing, I'll give 5 out of 8 octopus leg.

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